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Mrs. Stephanie




  • Diploma Early Childhood Education

  • Work experience as an Early Childhood Educator, in a daycare setting, working with children from the ages of 15 months all the way up to school agers.

  • Worked in a school setting as an student monitor and a supply for the ECE’s and EA’s.


What led them to forest programming: 

Mrs Steph’s love of the outdoors, and wanting to help children connect with nature, has led her path to Wild Child Nature Project. She enjoys working with children and learning all about animals, plants and insects alongside them.  Mrs Steph always has an ear to the sky listening for birds, and an eye on the ground looking for a new species of mushroom. She is eager to learn, and looking forward to workshops about forest school and risky play, and bringing that knowledge back to WCNP.


Their areas of interest:

  • Creating comfort through dramatic play, songs, and laughter

  • Bird watching/calling and mushroom hunting

  • Spending time with family, reading and nature photography


One item they can’t leave the house without is:

I almost always have a travel mug with coffee in hand.


If they were to imagine themselves as a child attending WCNP, they would spend their time in the forest:

Since I’m a child at heart, this is easy to answer. I’d spend my time listening to, and feeding the birds, digging in the mud and feeling the earth in my hands, searching the forest for new plants and animals to investigate, playing with others and using our imaginations to go on adventures together.

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